Sunday, 26 April 2015

So this is a bit of a test blog.
Its not meant to be published but will probably appear briefly online before I delete it.
If you know me, I am a bit of a poor correspondent, but I will try be better, really i will!

If you know me, you are probably aware that we are about to depart on 6 months of travel around Australia.
Our family of 4 is going to drive away from our stable, pleasant and relatively successful life on Sydney's Northern Beaches and live on the road for a while. Our life will be simpler, less structured and a more natural.
Yes we are driving a Turbo Diesel 4WD for over 40,000km - but I still reckon we will consume less and experience more than if we stayed in the suburbs. The whole point is that a life based on doing the same thing without pause or question will one day require a pause and it will be questioned and found to be lacking.
So, take a pause, step back and ask questions.
Or perhaps just hang out and enjoy

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